Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Taylor's First Soccer Practice

This Spring Taylor is playing his first season of soccer! He has been so excited about it since we signed him up in late January. We went shopping and got him all new gear, which he really enjoyed! We have been practicing both inside and outside to get him ready for his first practice.

I am going to apologize now in regards to all of the photos that are below, you know I am am a first time mom and trying to capture every moment! Which of course started with a little practice in the front yard to test out his new cleats!

Taylor posing for the camera!

Being silly.

Sweet Boy in his Soccer gear!

He loves his silver cleats, he thinks that they make him go super fast.

Posing again, as usual, for the camera.

Being cheesy!

And even more cheesy.

His team is the Dragons and in this photo he was trying to make a mean game face!

Bending it like Beckham...

with a cute little smile on his sweet little face...

He was showing me all of his soccer skills!

Big Kick!

I love this face!

Now practice time...


He shoots...

and scores! Getting the ball and himself stuck in the net.

He was so sweet, he was helping his new teammate, Brody.

Scoring a goal on the ones that they use during their games!

The Coach gave them cones to set up in a line to do a drill, so the boys decided to play with them instead!

In the middle of practice, Taylor starts running as fast as he can towards me, which is what is captured in the above photo. I put down the camera thinking that he had to go to the bathroom, needed something to drink, or needed to blow his nose. He gets within two feet of me and suddenly stops in his tracks. He looks at me with his big blue eyes and says in the sweetest voice..."Mommy, I love you!" Before I could react he quickly turned around and headed back to practice, which of course me being the Mommy that I am yelled, "I love you too!" as he trotted back on the field! I will never forget that moment!

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